Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Pittsfields Slopes."

My parents, girlfriend and I drove up to Pittsfield, Massachusetts this weekend and stayed at the Vaction Village of bershire's ski Resort. As we were driving up we noticed the amount of snow kept getting greater and greater the closer we got to MA. I was extremely surprised to find to see snow since we havent gotten any out here in New York. I was talking to many of the residents and they said they had a huge snow storm on halloween that actually made Massachusetts cancel halloween! They said it was too "dangerous."
Driving around made me realize I will probably never leave new york. The nearest food place was 20 minuets away from the resort!
I noticed plenty of open fields, farms and a few mom and pop conviences stores. Of coarse I had my camera with me at all times. I took tons of pictures. This is actually the first one i uploaded and edited. I like the overal composition in this one. I used a small aperture, I believe it was like f.10-f12 at 18mm to ensure that everything was in focus. I had a great trip and got some really interesting photographs from it. Enjoy -NIVLEK

ASMP Photographer's Work Shop!

I attended ASMP of long island's photography workshop at Briarcliffe College. The workshop was extremely helpful. I was surprised at how much information the photographers gave us. I didn't think any of the photographers were going to give us real life prices on how they charge and what to charge. It was interesting hearing from the others too like the assistant and the art/graphic design director. I will definitley be interested in attending another one! -NIVLEK

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"The Other Side."

This image was taken this weekend in Queens, NY right out side of the infamous Citi Field. I took the photograph for my final project in our Digital 1 class.  I choose to photography paths/alleyways or anything course along which something travels on. The picture shows citi field from "The Other Side." The side noone really sees when they enter the ball park. I found this location extremely interesting especially because our government can spend millions of dollars building a ball park but can't come up with sufficient money to fix our roads. I was also amazed by how "poor" this part of queens was. I didnt dare to drive over 5MPH on these roads! The exhaust on my car scarped the street multiple times because of the uneven concrete. I dont know how people can operate a business under these conditions, its absouletly mind-boggling.

On to the image, I took the photograph around 10pm. I was EXTREMELY cold and windy saturday night BTW. I set up my tripod and took multiple images at different angles and perspectives. I forget how long the exposure was but it was most likely something like 15 seconds or so. I choose to photoshop and play around with this particular photo because it really shows the contrast between the two. Standing where I was in this picture really shows te viewers how close to citi field I was. I will most likely go back to get more images when the weathers a bit nicer. -NIVLEK