Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Pittsfields Slopes."

My parents, girlfriend and I drove up to Pittsfield, Massachusetts this weekend and stayed at the Vaction Village of bershire's ski Resort. As we were driving up we noticed the amount of snow kept getting greater and greater the closer we got to MA. I was extremely surprised to find to see snow since we havent gotten any out here in New York. I was talking to many of the residents and they said they had a huge snow storm on halloween that actually made Massachusetts cancel halloween! They said it was too "dangerous."
Driving around made me realize I will probably never leave new york. The nearest food place was 20 minuets away from the resort!
I noticed plenty of open fields, farms and a few mom and pop conviences stores. Of coarse I had my camera with me at all times. I took tons of pictures. This is actually the first one i uploaded and edited. I like the overal composition in this one. I used a small aperture, I believe it was like f.10-f12 at 18mm to ensure that everything was in focus. I had a great trip and got some really interesting photographs from it. Enjoy -NIVLEK

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