Thursday, September 22, 2011

"The Best Lovers Die Together."

Here's an older photo i took for my AP Portfolio in high school... I believe our task was to create a sequel or a story line with 12 images or so. From the jump, i knew i needed to do something that would set my work apart from the others. I came to the conclusion that my photo should have a double meaning or somewhat comical to grab the viewers attention. A few days later i found my mom in the kitchen getting ready to cook. I noticed she had the egg carton on the counter and i grab two then began to draw on them with a permanent marker. I tried to make faces on the egg to make them have human-like characteristics, but i got too detailed with them. I  drew eyebrows, hair, teeth etc. it started to get too messy. I must have went through 6-8 eggs! I decided to draw two x's for eyes and crack the shell for the mouth and these were the results! This is one of my favorites for the simple fact it can have multiple meanings. I have more from the sequel, i'll most likely post more down the road. -NIVLEK

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