Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Take Full Footnotes."

This photo was taken last week for our first assignment titled "Shadow/Lighting"

It was an interesting shoot, to say the least. I'm glad i used my girlfriend as a model because I was learning "lighting" as we shot, so the shoot was  much longer than expected. It was a great opportunity for me to play around with light to create shadows and set a mood. I shot in my room and used my desk work lamp for lighting. Placing it at several angles and distances from the subject until i was satisfied. Then, i made the room completely dark, so that the only light present was the work lamp. I put blankets over the windows to block off any additional light. Set up my tripod, attached my camera and began to play with the camera meter to get the proper exposure. Due to low light and a low ISO the shutter speed was very slow. I put the camera on self-timer to prevent any camera shake when pressing the shutter and asked my model to stay as still as possible. I have many shots i am pleased with and will do more work with this style. I believe i was successful creating a restful, intimate and relaxed atmosphere and will get better at lighting as time progresses. -NIVLEK

1 comment:

  1. Sure do like this shot. Very provocative.
    It leaves you wondering.....
