Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Visual Cocaine."

One of the HUNDREDS of photos i took for the INSPIRE modeling agency.

It was a looooooong saturday for me. About two weeks ago Owner/CEO of INSPIRE gave me a call and asked if i was willing to do a shoot for a local casting call. The photo shoot ended up being about 7-8 hours long. This shoot was a big deal! I certainly did under estimate the job. I shot both kids and adults (about 20-30 in total) We had hair and make up stylist and several wardrobe changes throughout the day. I got to see some cool behind the scenes activities while i wasn't shooting. The models acted a script that was made right on the spot and also did a bit of runway. It was a GREAT experience for me. It was the first time a shot with a backdrop and umbrellas! I kinda learned where and where not to place the umbrellas as i was shooting lol

All the images were done with a tripod and on Manual. I turned off all the lights in the room/studio so that the only light present were the umbrellas. I had some issues with getting proper exposure. Many of the decent exposure were with slower shutter speeds because i DID NOT  use flash, a gray card or an incident meter. I think i did fairly good for the equipment i had. I'll definitely plan head next time and study some more lighting techniques before the next shoot. Oh yeah, Inspire hired me as their long island photographer! :)

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