Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Dramatic Sunset."

This was taken in my backyard!

I noticed the sun was setting when I looked out my bedroom window. I grabbed my camera and rushed outside to take a few pictures. This was the one that I liked the most. I'm not quite sure but the old sneakers hanging on the branch compliments the photo nicely.

Visit to Jim Lennon's Studio

First, I'd like to thank professor Naideau for giving me the opportunity to meet Jim Lennon at his studio in Hauppauge, NY. I was very impressed! When I first walked into the studio I noticed it was very neat and organized. The studio itself was like the perfect size. If I ever open up a studio it would definitely be a similar set up, not too big; not too small. What really strikes me the most is the camera he was using.... 52,000 dollars?!?!? The clarity and sharpness that his HASSELBLAD produces is unbelievable. Another thing that I really liked was the workflow he uses. Its like almost impossible to have an error or lose an image when Jim and his wife's daily procedures. The visit to his studio was definitely something I would love to do again. I feel like i could sit there and ask questions all day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"The Reform of Art."

The images were shot at "5PTZ" in long island city. 5PTZ is an outdoor exhibit space in New York where legendary artist/writers from all over the world come and paint on the 200square-foot building walls. Painters must show the building owner a portfolio of there work in order to obtain a permit that enables them to paint on the walls. The 5PTZ curator has set a goal to convert the 5 story building into a graffiti art museum. 

I choose to use these images for our "Social Reform" project in Digital 1. The objective of the project was to capture modern day change in society. I decided i wanted to come to 5PNTZ and photograph the ART. I really wanted to show how art has changed over the generations. I have other images that actually show painters actually coming together and making a mural on the walls, which to me, defines "Social Reform" -NIVLEK

Sunday, November 13, 2011


This image was taken in Long Island City at a board walk which gives you an amazing look of NYC. I initially went to this spot with out my camera! Can you believe that?!? I knew I'd have to come back with my camera ASAP. One of the reasons why i prefer driving to NYC rather than take a train is because you can drive around aimlessly and run into scenes like this one. The first time i found myself at this spot my friends and I went to "5PNTZ" to look at the art work on the buildings then drove around the area looking for something "interesting." We noticed this park/board walk and gasped as we walked towards the view. The following weekend, I grabbed my friend and went to both 5PNZ and this spot and took over 100 images that day. I used a bunch of different filters to give the photos different moods and effects. I liked how this image looked with the red filter, that explains why the image is red. Overall, i had a great day and will go back when its snowing to see what i can get. -NIVLEK