Sunday, November 13, 2011


This image was taken in Long Island City at a board walk which gives you an amazing look of NYC. I initially went to this spot with out my camera! Can you believe that?!? I knew I'd have to come back with my camera ASAP. One of the reasons why i prefer driving to NYC rather than take a train is because you can drive around aimlessly and run into scenes like this one. The first time i found myself at this spot my friends and I went to "5PNTZ" to look at the art work on the buildings then drove around the area looking for something "interesting." We noticed this park/board walk and gasped as we walked towards the view. The following weekend, I grabbed my friend and went to both 5PNZ and this spot and took over 100 images that day. I used a bunch of different filters to give the photos different moods and effects. I liked how this image looked with the red filter, that explains why the image is red. Overall, i had a great day and will go back when its snowing to see what i can get. -NIVLEK


  1. I took a whole bunch of pictures so i'll experiment on the others. I'll post some of my "5PNTZ" photos too. I havent got to upload them onto my computer yet. I'll get to them soon.

  2. very dramatic and graphic. Nicely done.
