Sunday, November 27, 2011

Visit to Jim Lennon's Studio

First, I'd like to thank professor Naideau for giving me the opportunity to meet Jim Lennon at his studio in Hauppauge, NY. I was very impressed! When I first walked into the studio I noticed it was very neat and organized. The studio itself was like the perfect size. If I ever open up a studio it would definitely be a similar set up, not too big; not too small. What really strikes me the most is the camera he was using.... 52,000 dollars?!?!? The clarity and sharpness that his HASSELBLAD produces is unbelievable. Another thing that I really liked was the workflow he uses. Its like almost impossible to have an error or lose an image when Jim and his wife's daily procedures. The visit to his studio was definitely something I would love to do again. I feel like i could sit there and ask questions all day.

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