Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Disturbed Reading."

On saturday 10/22/2011 I met up with Professor Colombraro and her History of Photography class at Penn station. We walked into Chelsea, NY and visited multiple art galleries. It was definitely worth going, I seen some really interesting stuff. From the moment we got out of penn station i started snapping away. NYC has such a different vibe than Long Island. I feel like everything is picture worthy when i'm out there. Out of all the photo's I took that day, this one struck me the most for me.

The image was taken at the Lisette Model Self Reflections exhibition on west 24th street. This was actually someones office space! I had to double take when i seen this. At first it looked like a peaceful library like setting but then i seen that image on the wall. This for me MADE this photo. (oh yeah, the whole in the wall is awesome too) I decided to name it "Disturbed Reading." I choose this name because  this setting was like an Oxymoron, to the right its a normal person reading and then you have this scary image to the left of her looking right at her. I feel this image was successful, I really like this one.


  1. This is awesome! really interesting composition. Everything in the photo is interesting without being distracting. nice :)

  2. Thanks! I really like this one a lot for some reason too.
